I am a professional tattoo artist and illustrator with over 20 years of experience. I have been fortunate enough to have tattooed in some of Adelaide and Melbourne's most prestigious studios, and taken classes with one of the most talented botanical illustrators in the country.
Originally from Adelaide, I lived in Melbourne for over 12 years where I opened my own studio, Artemisia Custom Tattooing, in my then home of the beautiful Dandenong Ranges. In 2021 I moved back to Adelaide with my family and re-established Artemisia in a shop that I share with my husband's business, Shaun C. Duncan Custom Framing and Fine Art Printing, located in Daw Park.
In my fine art and illustration work I use a variety of media including graphite and coloured pencils, pen and ink, watercolour and oil paints. I also use an iPad Pro, sometimes for finished images but usually for the creation of mockups, working images and stencils. I am at my happiest when drawing and painting from life, but I more commonly work from photographic reference, and have my own large collection of reference photos taken for this purpose.
Aesthetically my work is inspired by natural history illustrations, Baroque still life paintings and 19th Century book illustrations as well as more traditional tattoo imagery. Thematically I am drawn to all motifs from nature, but particularly plants, and particularly those with herbal or medicinal properties. I also love imagery of a religious, folkloric or mythological nature and am particularly fond of Christian art and European fairytales. I love collaborating with clients and utilising their unique interests and perspectives to create personally meaningful artworks.
Shaun and I have three gorgeous children Miles, Audrey and Lester, and we also run our work-in-progress business Artemisia Fine Art, producing fine art prints of work by myself and other contemporary artists, as well as classic artworks in the public domain. You can learn more about me and my art in some of the interviews on my media page.
Fine art prints of my work and others:
botanical illustrator
I make botanical and natural history themed tattoos, illustrations and fine art from Artemisia, my private appointment-only studio in Daw Park, Adelaide SA.